If you need any help on how to acquire any other mods just go to the AA2 Discord server which is still very active. Follow the tutorial on youtube on how to download the AA2Mini version. ape of the pripyat presidant c-con fukc the great cherno and lay egg this egg hatch and monolith wa s born. Playing the vanilla version is not worth it, download AA2Mini instead as it is much more optimised and less bloated.
0665): remove mod file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\meshes\animationsetdatasinglefile. strelok aliv and real strong wizard kill all the monolith farm aminal with 9x39 magic now we the loner rule. AA2 Recommended Mods List (Aug 07, 2021) This is merely a list I put together of good mods to use to get started with creating and playing 2 (Artificial Academy 2). JUST CLICK THE WINDOW AND PRESS CTRL + C, IT WORKS. COPY ERROR MESSAGES WITH CTRL+C, PASTE THEM WITH CTRL+V INTO GOOGLE TRANSLATE. FUCKk ashol cult no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur patch and faction. Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ 925 Sippy Sippy Edition Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2. we are rich and have artifacts now hahahaha ha because of strelok… you are ppoor stink monolith… you live in a powerplant hahahaha, you live in a sarcophagus strelok alive numbr one #1 in zone ….**** the monolith. loner+bandit+duty+freedom=kill monolith…you will blowout/ strelok alive in zone, strelok making quest of zone. monolith we kill the C-consciousness, monolith return to your precious rock….hahahahaha idiot cult and monolith smell so bad.wow i can smell it. Artificial Academy 2 New Character Database Site here :) Update (June 12, 2018): since weeaboo appears to be unavailable atm, you can use to view a snapshot of the said website.
take a bath of dead monolith.ahahahahahMONOLITH WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget first emission. cetnik rascal **** but **** ******* cult stink monolith sqhipere shqipare.monolith genocide best day of my life.
you may live in the garbage….ahahahaha ,monolith we will never forgeve you. to our powerplant cousins you may come our Zone. you are the cult idiot you are the cult smell. REMOVE ROCK remove rock you are worst cult. Content:00:46 Getting Started4:24 The Controls4:50 The Main 3 Icons6:11 Interacting with other Characters (Conversation TAB)12:23 Love/Travel13:16 Interrupti.